加拿大pc28神策预测 雅念念词汇明白(124)| 春运

发布日期:2024-09-17 12:41    点击次数:197


January 26, 2025

雅念念词汇明白 | | 栏目推送说明





1. rush /rʌʃ/

n. 簇拥前去

搭配:Spring Festival travel rush 春运



holiday rush 假期岑岭

holiday shopping rush假期购物潮

rush hours 岑岭时间

e.g. Shop early to avoid the Christmas holiday rush.

e.g. The travel rush during the Spring Festival is so intense that train tickets sell out within minutes.

e.g. Local businesses take advantage of the holiday rush, offering special promotions to attract tourists.

e.g. Traffic is always heavy during the rush hour.

2. scalper /'skælpɚ/

n. 倒票者;黄牛;票街市

搭配:ticket scalpers 票街市

e.g. Many people criticize scalpers for taking advantage of the holiday travel rush, making it difficult for people to get tickets at fair prices.

e.g. The government has implemented stricter measures to prevent scalpers from hoarding and reselling train tickets.

补充:hoard v. 囤积

v. scalp 倒卖,炒卖票;

e.g. People were scalping tickets outside the stadium.

一样抒发:tout v.倒卖(门票)/ n. 票街市

e.g. The toutson the street corner were touting tickets for the theater show, hoping to make a profit off last-minute buyers.

3. delay /dɪ'leɪ/

n. 脱期;蔓延;推迟

搭配:a lengthy/long delay 万古期的推迟

traffic delays / flight delay(s) 交通/航班延误

e.g. Airline travelers are experiencing delays of up to three hours.

e.g. The construction work on the highway willcause a delayin the morning commute.

补充:commute n. 通勤


搭配:delay something / delay doing sth.

e.g. Due to the bad weather, the airline had todelay the departureof the flight by two hours.

e.g. Due to the traffic jam, I had to delay going back home and find an alternative route.

4. exhaustion /ɪg'zɔːstʃ(ə)n/

n. 元气心灵衰退;困顿不胜

搭配:mental and physical exhaustion 体魄困顿

e.g. After standing in line for hours, she was overcome by exhaustion from the Spring Festival travel rush.

e.g. The overcrowding on the buses caused serious exhaustion, with people crammed in for hours without a break.

补充:be overcome by情谊上受到极大影响

Overcrowding n. 过度拥堵

adj. exhausted[mentally and physcially] 疲精竭力的

e.g. During the Spring Festival travel rush, long hours of queuing and crowded conditions caused many people to feelexhausted.

补充:queue v. 列队

一样抒发:be mentally / physically drained

e.g. She worked two shifts back-to-back and was physically drained by the time she got home.

补充:back-to-back 接连不断地;和解地

shift n. 轮班


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