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发布日期:2024-12-02 20:24    点击次数:108


Beware of the People Who Are Jealous of Your Success


The Dark Side of Human Nature:Why Some People Are Glad to See You Fail


The writer Sanmao said that the most important thing in relationships is sincerity, and it has to come from the heart。


Sincerity is a sword that never fails in society.You should always carry it with you wherever you go.



We were taught from a young age to be honest with people and not to harm them.But in reality, the world is not as simple as we think.



You remember to be sincere with people, to be open and honest with those around you, to treat them as lifelong friends and family, but you don't realize that not everyone is as kind as you.


In the eyes of those who love you, you are always good.But in the hearts of those who have bad intentions towards you, even if you are kind to them, they will still have malicious thoughts about you.


Don't disbelieve it.


There will always be some people who can't stand to see you do well.When they see you doing well, they might even try to sabotage you to feel better about themselves.


“lf l can't have it, you can't“have it either.


Sometimes,the people you're closest to, the people you think you can talk to, are the ones who will stab you in the back when you're least expecting it.If you have these people in your life,you need to leave them as soon as possible to avoid further harm.

有时辰,离你最近、你以为不错倾吐的东谈主,反而会在你最不布防的时辰,在背后捅你一刀。如 果 你 生 命 中 有 这么 的东谈主,你需要尽早辩别他们,以 避 免 进 一步的伤害。

In Keigo Higashino's book Malice,there is a passage that reads :Some people's hatred is without reason.


They are mediocre talentless, and unsuccessful.So your excellence,your talent, your kindness,and your happiness are all original sins.


The writer,Hidaka,was murdered.The detective,Kaga,successfully caught the killer Nonoguchi,who confessed to his crime.However,Kaga always felt that there was something wrong with Nonoguchi's motive.As the investigation went deeper,the truth was surprising.


Nonoguchi was indeed the killer, but being caught was part of his plan.He had a bigger scheme in mind.He portrayed Hidaka as acold-blooded,cowardly,and cruel person who would do anything for fame and fortune.He also claimed to be Hidaka's ghostwriter, saying that Hidaka could only achieve fame because of him.However,Kaga discovered during the investigation that everything said Nonoguchi was fake.He had been diagnosed with cancer a year ago and had lost his job.He was mentally unbalanced and decided to kill Hidaka,steal his work after his death,and ruin his reputation.


Where did Nonoguchi's malice come from?


It turns out that when Nonoguchi was bullied at school,Hidaka reached out to him.Instead of being grateful,Nonoguchi joined the bullies and hurt Hidaka.

But Hidaka didn't hold agrudge.Years later, when they met again,Nonoguchi was struggling to find work.Hidaka enthusiastically introduced him to a job and recommended him to a magazine company.However,Hidaka's open-mindedness and kindness did not earn Nonoguchi's gratitude.Instead,it made him go off the deep end.He gambled with his remaining life to drag Hidaka's character into hell.

蓝本,当野野口在学校被凌暴时,日高曾向他伸出辅助。但野野口非但莫得感恩,反而加入了凌暴者的行列,伤害了日高。但日高并莫得记仇。多年后,当他们再次再会时,野野口正为找责任而烦闷。日高关爱肠为他先容责任,还向一家杂志社推选了他。然则,日高的宽宏与暄和并 莫得 换 来 野 野 口的 感恩,反而让他绝对走向极点。他用我方剩下的人命作念赌注,把日高的声誉拖入地狱。

Human nature sometimes can't stand scrutiny.You try to help people with a kind heart, but they may turn around and kill you.


The greatest evil in human nature is the inability to stand others doing well.


You work hard and struggle all the way to achieve your current success.But some people secretly hope that the castle you have carefully built will collapse overnight.


You are not afraid of hardship or difficulty.You work hard to earn a for yourself.But some people spread rumours that you got your position through backdoor deals or by climbing someone's ladder.


You are not afraid of dirt or exhaustion.You start with a small business and finally achieve great success.but some people hope that disaster will strike tomorrow and see you go bankrupt and miserable...


These people are often those close to you.They see you getting better and better,and they don't sincerely wish you well,Instead, they are envious and hope that you will suffer misfortune so that they can be happy.


Confucius said,“Don't worry about poverty,worry about inequality."


When you see others doing well, you don't try to improve yourself and match their leve of skill.Instead,you try to slander them and get rid of them.


Those who are often afraid of being surpassed by others are those whose abilities and ambitions don't match.


They are often mentally unbalanced.These people are often around you.They don't see your struggles, but they envy your success.


They don't applaud your success.Instead,they secretly gloat.In their eyes, you didn't reach the top through hard work.You got there by luck or by foul means .


The closer you are to someone,the better they know your weaknesses and the better they are at exploiting your psychology.When you are happy, they don't humbly learn from you.Instead, they are jealous that you don't deserve it.They often think that what you have should be theirs .So, when they see you doing well,they will always try to sabotage you.

你和他们越亲近,他们越了解你的缺陷,也越善于哄骗你的激情。当你兴隆时,他们不会谦让向你学习,而是忌妒你,觉 得 你不配拥 有 这些。他们时时认为你领有的本该属于他们。是以,当他们看到你过得好时,总会念念方设法温暖你。

Some people have offered to take their best friend in after she lost her boyfriend or got divorced.They thought they were being kind by providing her with a place to stay.But she turned around and hooked up with their husband.While their husband isn't exactly a saint,their best friend is definitely not a pushover either.If she truly cared about you and understood boundaries,even if she met a man she wanted to cheat with,she would still stay within her limits and not cross the line. It's because of her character,and you just gave her the opportunity.


Human nature is an eternal mystery that we can never fully understand.


There are many things in this world that make us sigh.


To be honest, there aren't many people in this world who truly wish you well.Especially those close to you,they are not what you think they are.They don't want you to get better and better.


In fact, many times, if your friend is unhappy in their marriage,they may even hope that they will continue to struggle.

事实上,许多时辰,若是你 的 一又 友 在 婚 姻 中 不 幸福,他们以致可能但愿你也一直扞拒。

If your coworker is struggling at work,they may not be happy to see you succeed.


If your relatives are struggling financially,but you are making a lot of money, they may suspect that you are doing something shady...


Even among your siblings,there may be someone who is jealous of your success.


So,no matter what,always be humble.


Don't brag about your achievements to those who are unsuccessful


Don't show off your wealth to those who are poor.


You have to understand that not everyone wants to hear this.Not everyone truly wishes you well.



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