![]() 连忙又要过年了。行家应该仍是抢到回家的车票了吧加拿大pc28在线开奖网站,毕竟“回家过年”但是一件大事啊!!! 官方报谈,2025年春运从1月14日运行,到2月22日结果,估量40天。其中2025年春节假期时候为1月28日(除夜)至2月4日(正月初七),共8天。 交通部门预测,全社会跨区域东谈主员流动量将达90亿东谈主次,预测创历史新高。 接下来,又到了学习英文的时候了,你知谈春运的英文该奈何说吗? 对于“春运”最常用、最天确实抒发是:Spring Festival travel rush,概况spring rush。rush这里是“岑岭期、繁艰深动期”的道理。 又称“年度全球最大边界的东谈主口流动”(the largest annual human migration in the world)。是客流岑岭期(peak time for passenger transport),有大齐农民工(migrant workers)和学生党在这一段时候返乡。 15分逆转!亚历山大45+7+8末节暴走!雷霆豪取9连胜!哈利伯顿4分! 另外,“春运”是一个止境具有中国特质的抒发,是以径直说Chunyun、Chunyun time和the Chunyun period也齐是不错的。 Global Times报谈春运初度情况: China's annualSpring Festival travel rush, also known aschunyun, officially started on Tuesday, during which a record 9 billion trips are estimated to be made during the 40-day period of festivities. On the first day of chunyun, hustles and bustles are on vivid display across the country's railway stations and airports, as millions of passengers - carrying bags filled with gifts and treats - embark on homecoming trips in an atmosphere charged with joy and the festive spirit. 中国一年一度的春运于周二崇拜拉开帷幕,预测在为期 40 天的节日历间,出行东谈主次将创记载地达到 90 亿。春运首日,寰球各地的火车站和机场一派繁忙容许,数以百万计的搭客带着装满礼物和好意思食的行李踏上归家之旅,到处飘溢着欢腾和节日的怨恨。 ![]() 通过阅读《Global Times》 的这篇报谈,我整理了5个与春运干系的实用英语抒发,沿途来学习一下吧: 01 reunion Regardless of being children with adorable faces, or the elderly with silver hair, the Spring Festival travel rush embodies the longing and anticipation of ordinary Chinese people forreunionafter a year of hard-working, and for welcoming a more prosperous year ahead. 不论是稚嫩孩童,如故银发老者,春运齐承载了泛泛中国东谈主在经过一年的致力职责后对团圆的渴慕,以及对新的一年愈加茁壮的期待。 “reunion” 在英语中常常指 团圆 或 重聚。它描述的是一群东谈主,常常是家东谈主、一又友或同学,在分开一段时候后再次聚在沿途的活动或景况。 reunion 的常见用法:family reunion(家庭团员);class reunion(同学约聚);reunion party(团员派对)。 02 homecoming The Global Times noticed that the train was adorned with traditional decorations like paper-cuts, Chinese knots and ribbons, and a red banner \"homecomingis the essence of Chinese Lunar New Year\" was displayed in one of the train coaches, infusing the reunion journey with warmth and a holiday cheer. 据《环球时报》不雅察,这列火车掩盖了传统的窗花、中国结和彩带,其中一节车厢内还挂着一条写有“回家是春节的道理”的红色横幅,为归乡路径增添了温馨和节日的喜庆怨恨。 “homecoming” 在英语中常常是好意思国中学或大学举办的一项传统活动,旨在让毕业生回到学校,与教师和同学重聚。返校日常常会举办舞会、体育比赛等活动,营造吵杂的怨恨。 例句:The homecoming game is always a big deal at our school.(咱们的学校返校节的比赛老是很高峻。) 除了返校日,homecoming 还不错指:总结故土: 指一个东谈主回到我方降生或成长的场所。重聚: 指一家东谈主或一又友在分开一段时候后从头聚在沿途。 ![]() 03 bustle The Beijing Chaoyang Railway Station was alsobustlingwith activities when the Global Times visited it on Tuesday morning. Hundreds of Chinese travelers were lining up in the station's waiting hall in an orderly manner under the guidance of railway staff members. 周二上昼《环球时报》记者拜访北京向阳站时,这里亦然一派繁忙容许。数百名中国搭客在铁路职责主谈主员的开导下,有序地在候车大厅列队等候。 “bustle” 这个英文单词不错作动词和名词,齐有多种含义。动作动词 (verb) 时,指东谈主或事物在快速迁移、嘈杂的环境中,给东谈主一种繁忙、喧嚣的嗅觉。动作名词 (noun) 时,指一个场所或一种景况,充满了活动和杂音。 固定搭配:Bustle and hustle,常常用来描述一个场所概况东谈主群充满活力和快速节拍的繁忙情境,尤其是在城市或繁忙的职责环境中。 例句:During the holiday season, the shopping mall is full of hustle and bustle. 在沐日历间,购物中心充满了繁忙喧嚣的怨恨。 04 security check The Global Times also learned from staff members that this year, a range of cutting-edge technologies such as big data, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, smart system and facial recognition have been widely applied to facilitate a variety of processes during chunyun, including ticket sales,security checkas well as station entry and exit. 《环球时报》还从职责主谈主员处了解到,本年,大数据、云计较、东谈主工智能、智能系统和东谈主脸识别等一系列前沿期间被无为运用于春运期间的各式过程,包括售票、安检以及车站的收支站。 \"security check\" 是指安全查验,常常用于确保某个场所或活动的安全性,退缩潜在的恐吓或危急。在机场、车站、寰球步地、会议等场所齐可能会进行安全查验。举例,机场的安检常常会进行行李和东谈主员的查验,确保莫得危急物品带入飞机。 例句:Passengers must go through a security check before boarding the flight. 乘客必须在登机前通过安检。 05 passenger volume It is expected that during this year's Spring Festival travel period, the railwaypassenger volumewill exceed 510 million, with an average of 12.75 million people per day, representing a 5.5 percent year-on-year increase. 预测本年春运期间铁路客运量将向上 5.1 亿东谈主次,日均 1275 万东谈主次,同比增长 5.5%。 \"passenger volume\" 指的是乘客数目或客运量,常常用于描述在一定时候内,某个交通用具(如飞机、火车、寰球汽车等)或交通重要(如机场、车站等)管待的乘客总量。这个想法常常用来揣测运载系统或交通网络的繁忙进程。 举例:The train station is experiencing high passenger volume during rush hour. 在岑岭时段,火车站的乘客数目很大。 今天的常识点齐学会了吗?但愿行家齐能平祥瑞安到家,红红火火过年! 免费领取英语白话1对1体验课 ![]() 精确测评,量身定制个性化学习决议 外教1对1实景脚色演练, 学完当然说 报名预约免费体验! ![]() |
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加拿大pc28在线开奖网站 别再说“Spring Travel”了!“春运”的正确翻译是这个!
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